Production year: 2009/2015


Format: 3 channel video


Participants: Rohid Juneja, Sidsel Christensen


Exhibited at New Shelter Plan, Copenhagen, Bryne Art Association, Norway,  Space Gallery, London, Insitu, Berlin. -  amongst others.



‘Study for Composition I’ narrates the development and fall of a secret cult in Greece 2000 years ago, on the backdrop of variety shifting compositions.



The artist while undergoing hypnotic regression tells the story of the woman in an animated, emotional way. Neither acting nor a fully realistic rendering, the monologue lies in between the two, pointing towards the very basic workings of the human mind. The emotional charge works through the ‘enactment’ of shifting spiritual and violent actions in the video, in counterpoint to the more rational sensibility engendered by the abstract compositions. The work hints at a possible relationship between transformative spirituality and Fine Art in the practice of early modernist abstraction, as well as questioning what it is to research and develop knowledge.